Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Furniture partially made from old crates!

I have been told this is a double wig chest. 
I just thought is was really unique with the two doors on either side, 
but apparently that's where you would keep your wigs!

The most unique part is that it's partially made from old crates!
Look at the drawer bottom!

I don't know why, but I am calling her Gertrude...

Here's how she looked when she came to me... 
Cute, but in need of some love (kinda like me LOL)

I wasn't going to do a whole lot to her. 
First I primed the hardware then 
did a quick coat of pale yellow all over.

I liked the way she was looking distressed... 
but still thought she needed something else.

Another drawer bottom...

Now we're getting somewhere! 
I dry brushed some Chartreuse over the pale yellow.

Then distressed, I am happy with the outcome!

As I was working on this piece I recalled another piece 
of furniture made from old crates that I had done a rehab on, 
click on the link below to check out this post!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks you for this write, i m enjoyed thanks you, masko


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